Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chocolate Orange Sponge

Good evening gastronorms,
I'm going to catch up on a few posts this evening as life is slowly getting back to normal for the Holdens, well not Deano as he is holed up on the sofa and starting to feel sorry for his self (but not too much as it's slowly dawning on him that he now has 8 hours a day to play 'Call of Duty' on the X-box and watch as as much Myth Busters and WW2 docs as he likes, so he is filling his boots until the boy and I come home and start to winge until he puts on 'Ace of Cakes' or 'Scooby Doo' on the telly.
I recently made a yummy chocolate orange cake which is a Nigella receipe. This cake isn't an unctious, cream dripping out of the sides Mrs Miggins cake but a nice sponge that goes well with good vanilla ice cream or custard. I'm basically going to give you the receipe verbatim but upload the shots of Deano enjoying the cake on 3 consecutive nights.)
125g unsalted butter
100g dark chocolate, broken into pieces
300g thin cut marmalade
150g sugar
Pinch of salt
2 lrg eggs
150g self raising flour
20cm springform tin, buttered & floured

Pre-heat oven to 180/gas 4
Put butter in pan and melt, add chocolate when nearly melted and leave for a minute or so then take off the heat and let it just melt in the heat of the butter
Add marmalade, sugar, salt & eggs and stir in with wooden spoon
Beat in the flour bit by bit
Pour into tin and bake for 50 mins
When cooled dust with ice sugar

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